HOME PAGE // 5,000 Army Technical Manuals // 22,000 Military Manuals And Survival Books // 2,100 Firearm Manuals and Books // 2,100 Medical Military manuals and books // 480 Alternative Energy books and manuals // 1600 U.S. Military Manuals Survival collection // The Military History Library // The Interactive Survival & Military Manuals Library // The Interactive firearms Manuals Library // 1,423 U.S. Army TB Technical Bulletins collection // OVER 4,500 BEAUTIFUL PINUP GIRLS ON ONE DISK // List Of Known Army Technical Manuals


Check out our eleven great products below and our survival site.


5,000 U.S. Army Technical Manuals

Here is our huge package of over 5,000 U.S. Army Technical Manuals covering weapons, helicopters, tanks, planes, trucks, generators and every piece of military equipment you could ever think of. This huge 8 disk package is only $45 which includes free shipping.

There is no other package in the world that offers this many U.S. Military Technical Manuals and most small packages sold by others will cost you $20 to $100 for each of these U.S. Army Technical Manuals. Why pay that when you can get 5,000 Army technical manuals for only $45 For a detailed list of every military manual and survival book please click on the link below to see the detailed list of all the technical manuals you get.

Click here for more details on the 5,000 Army Technical Manuals


22,000 Militrary Manuals And Survival Books 

Over 22,000 Files in PDF Format on Four DVD Disks For Your Computer. With over 15 GIGS of Data FOR ONLY $27.00 and this includes FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the world. This is the worlds largest US military manuals and survival books library ever offered. Many of these Survival Books and US Military Manuals have never been offered before now. For a detailed list of every military manual and survival book please click on the link below to see the detailed list of all the manuals and books.

Click here for more details on the 22,000 Military Manuals and Survivalbooks


2100 Gun Firearm Manuals Plus Alot More

You have found the ultimate firearms, gun smithing disk ever offered featuring over 2,100 firearm manuals, full auto conversion manuals, Schematics, Break Downs, Take Downs, Owner's Manuals, Rifle and Pistol Assembly's, sniper training manuals, trigger assembly manuals and rifle basix manuals, Almost every major manufactures manual is listed. You can get the 2,100 Firearm Manuals Plus More for only $20.00 and this includes FREE SHIPPING. To see detailed list of what you will be getting on this disk please click of the following link below.

Click here for more details on the 2,100 Firearm Manuals Plus More

1600 U.S. Civil Defense manuals U.S. Military manuals, and Government manuals and Firearm manuals on two DVD disks

This is a newly newly complied master collection of  U.S. military manuals, and civil defense manuals, government manuals and firearm manuals. There are 1,600 manuals on this two DVD set. There are way too many subjects to list on this page for this DVD disk set. These manuals sell for $6.00 to $10.00 per manual on army navy surplus store, gun store, Amazon, bookstore and here you can get them for only $17.00 for all 1,600 manuals so think about the savings you are getting. This also includes FREE SHIPPING. Please Click on the link below and take a look at the detailed list of all the manuals you will be getting in this package.

Click here for more details about the U.S. civil defense manuals U.S. military manuals, and government manuals and firearm manuals


2,100 Books Huge Survival Medial Library On One Disk.

Here Is the first Survival Medial Library on disk ever created and a one of a kind collection of over 2,100 Medical manauals and books in PDF format for your home computer. Read them on your computer or print out the ones you need and throw them in your pack or survival medical kit or your bugout bag. Perfect for the survival retreat. Face it when something goes wrong the major chance is that you will not have a doctor around or close enough to help so you need to be prepaired. This disk is organized into folders by the mediacal subjects they relate to.. And thats not all, to top it off for you the files are named by the year, author, title, edition (when available) and the number of pages in the manual or book.

Click here for more details on the 2,100 Book Survival Medical Library


The Military History Library

Created for the Military history buffs and veterans. This DVD features rare and hard to find manuals. The Military History Library features over 670 military manuals from WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War on 1 disk for $16. This disk is organized into folders by the subject war era they are related to. And thats not all, to top it off for you the files are named by the year, War era, author, title, edition (when available) and the number of pages in the manual or book.

Click here for more details on the The Military History Library


The Interactive Firearms And Weapons Manual Library

Welcome to the Interactive Firearm Manuals Library. This library will teach you advanced military firearm tecquies. The library will show you the breakdown and takedowns for military weapons in real time as you follow along. Also folllow along as you learn about dealing with direct fire in live shooting. The manuals have built in walk throughs that speak to you and walk you through every step with interactive video. These manuals come on a two disk set for only $25 with free shipping. To order of to check out a free sample of one of these manuals click below.

Click here for more details on the The Interactive Firearms and Weapons Library


The Interactive Survival And Military Manuals  Library

Welcome to the The Interactive Survival & Military Manuals Library. This library will teach you advanced military military survival tecquies. The library will show you  COMBAT MOVEMENT AND NAVIGATION, MAP READING & MAP NAVIGATION, MEDICAL AND FIRST AID TRAINING, COMMUNICATIONS, INTELLIGENCE AND ESPIONAGE, LEADERSHIP AND COMMAND TRAINING, NIGHT VISION, NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL (NBC) PROTECTION, TACTICAL MILITARY & LAW ENFORCMENT TRAINING, HAND TO HAND COMBAT AND MUCH MORE in real time as you follow along. Also folllow along as you learn about dealing with direct fire in live shooting. The manuals have built in walk throughs that speak to you and walk you through every step with interactive video. These manuals come on a three disk set for only $25 with free shipping. To order of to check out a free sample of one of these manuals click below.

Click here for more details on the The Interactive Survival And Military Manuals Library


1,423 Army TB Technical Bulletins Library

This is the worlds most complete U.S. Army TB Technical Bulletins collection on one DVD disk. The disk features 1,423 US Army Technical Bulletins which are the exact vertions that are released by the U.S. Army. You can either read them on your computer or you can print them out if you need the technical bulletins paper format. Why pay $10.00 to $25.00 for just one US Technical Bulletin when you can have all 1,423 US Army Technical Bulletins on one disk for only $15.00 and that also includes free shipping.

Click here for more details on the 1,423 Army Technical Bulletins Library

Over 480 Alternative Energy Manuals On One Disk

Learn about how to use alternative energy like solar cells, solar panels and solar arrays, windmills and or wind turbines, hydrogen generators, hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel and ethanol. These manuals don't only teach you about alternative energy they show you how to make your own solar cells, solar panels and solar arrays, windmills and or wind turbines, hydrogen generators, hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel and ethanol. You get al this on one disk for only $20.00 including free shipping. For more info or to order click.

Click here for more details about the alternative energy manuals



Troops all over the world that buy are gun and military manuals have been requesting that we create a disk of sexy and beautiful pinup girls that they could take with them when they go into combat areas to cheer up their spirits. So by popular request here is the our disk with OVER 4,500 OF THE MOST SEXY AND BEAUTIFUL PINUP GIRLS FOR OUR TROOPS.

Click here for more details on the Over 4,500 Sexy And Beautiful Pinup Girls


For your survival needs check out our other site WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM for tons of info on Survival Skills, Guns, Reloading and much much more.

HOME PAGE // 5,000 Army Technical Manuals // 22,000 Military Manuals And Survival Books // 2,100 Firearm Manuals and Books // 2,100 Medical Military manuals and books // 480 Alternative Energy books and manuals // 1600 U.S. Military Manuals Survival collection // The Military History Library // The Interactive Survival & Military Manuals Library // The Interactive firearms Manuals Library // 1,423 U.S. Army TB Technical Bulletins collection // OVER 4,500 BEAUTIFUL PINUP GIRLS ON ONE DISK // List Of Known Army Technical Manuals
